Friday, October 07, 2005

Update on stuff and other things!

A few loose ends to tie up, in todays update. Buckle up, here we go!

-Scandinavian Airlines conducted a noise measurement for the plane I flew with during the past week. Next week they should be sharing their findings. Goliath will soon be on his knees, praying for mercy!
-Princess was not to keen on New Year's, so those plans are off the chart. She cried and stuff and I have not been feeling like a million buckaroonies either.
-Looks like the traditional Val d'Isere trip is going to happen in early December. That will go off, even though the line up is slightly changed this year. A second trip looms in February, but is still not definite. Board-riding bliss, fill my veins God!
-I am contemplating to get the fuck out of England by means of an Australian Visa, but it's such a hassle to come by one. However, I think the dream is not getting closer, gotta chase it!
-The September issue of the Denture contained my "punkrocker story" and the next issue is probably going to contain my review of the Gappy Tooth night as well as the masterpiece "Sorry, we're fresh out of fun!".

Finally I am forced to issue a warning about Peppers Burgers on Walton Street. Today I feel like as if someone had performed sloppy intestinal surgery on me. Last night was like an orgy in spew and faeces. It's just too bad I am not into that shit.

Keep it unreal! Karl


Von Helvete said...

elementary professor brainiac, i had a burger, half a beer some tap water and nothing else. personally i blame the thousand island or sweet chilli sauce, combined with lack of hygene. anyway, feel free to continue eating there, maybe you'd love to find yourself in a storm of faeces..


Von Helvete said...
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Anonymous said...

The tap water...always blame the tap water - where are you? England?? The country that invented getting your shit picked up in a bucket via the back gate once a week? Yep...there's a your answer....

Von Helvete said...


I guess you could be right. Tap water is evil. Tap water has recently claimed responsibility of the 9/11 events, the invasion of Iraq as well as the human rights violations at Guantanamo and Abu Grabi.

Now I just look forward to see Tap water claiming my stomach on al-Jazera

Anonymous said...

Ah, well, if you make al-Jazera, it must be true. They're my favourite....

What's up Nik er, sorry, Karl - do you know who this is? I think I will leave you guessing, as it's so much fun.

I had a smart thought once, then I opened my mouth. It was all downhill form there.


Von Helvete said...

The worls is not yet ready for your genious, eh? I know how that feels, being surrounded, as I am, by incompetence and ignorance every day of the week. I've stopped thinking before I speak and going uphill now.
No I have no clue as to who you are, but since you're intelligent you can't possibly be a friend of mine, they're all morons or dead.