Wednesday, May 03, 2006


the Brainiac and I took his carriage and went to London's Underworld to observe Raistus Fistus in true technicolour yesterday. It was pretty much like releasing six times the energy released in the Hiroshima bomb. And to conclude that metaphore they finished with Killing it (i.e. the world). We chatted with Marco, guitarrist, and Robban, sales rodie, and took in the Underworld, which is a pretty cool place although not as cool as Koko up the road, see November entry from the Turbonegro gig.

Fell asleep at the desk after lunch today, to the amusement of my coworkers. Ma ha ha! I gotta get to bed early tonight. Tomorrow dinner with work in Oxford. It should be good since I know these guys from before. Apart from that we are down seizing at work, so the next few weeks/months will be interesting.

Put some Sounds of the republic on the player and flew through Christchurch park tonight. Awesome.

Fuck the world!


Anonymous said...

The world is fucked and everything in it.
Taking siesta at the desk is underrated.

And thanks for believing in Reverend Gonza.

Von Helvete said...

thank you for beliveing in yourself, preacher girl!