Tuesday, May 23, 2006

dead man's chest

johnny depp is back from the trip to ompa loompa land. apparently he ows some one a soul... at least he has a soul that some one wants.

more than 50% of all humans makes others unhappy rather than happy. do you have a soul? if so, what does it thrive on?

you reap what you sow.


Anonymous said...

I love the scene in Angel Heart when Louis Cypher (played by Mr DeNiro) tells the Mickey Rourke-character about his soul and ends it with "....and yours belong to ME!"
Scared the hell outta me first time I saw that, somewhat underrated flick.

Von Helvete said...

the other weekend the bride's father placed the heart and soul of his daughter in the hands of the groom. made me cry, actually.

have to watch angel heart i guess, by the way, what's up with you gonza? and why did you post a deadlink to your dad's dn-60years-piece?