Saturday, July 15, 2006


Strange things are happening in the Middle east. I cant believe in what the Israeli government is doing right now, it's just going to lead to more misery for everyone. They seem to have learnt nothing from Iraq and past wars. You cannot wage war for peace, it is as simple as that. The building of the new wall, was bizarre enough, but this is just horrible in a mind boggling kind of way.

As so the body count, 25 times more Libanese killed, 6 times more Libanese injured and the Libanese infrastructure is being demolished, on a grand scale. There is no moral high ground to be found when the blood is dripping from Israeli hands.

Shame on you, Israeli politicians and the ones who elected you. You are not acting in the best interest of yourself, your people, your country, your neighbours, the region, the world. Basically your murderous behavior suck, in a big way!



Anonymous said...

Totally agree. It´s horrendous. Fighting fire with fire. Why? Or more exactly - w-h-y???

BTW, you got mail.

Take care.

Anonymous said...

You must understand that this is the original zionist plan in action.
Ironically, they are the best recruitement officers of the Ezbola.