Sunday, September 18, 2005

Why do American Punk Rockers go out with New Wave Hookers?

I don’t know and I don’t like it. I come from Sweden and Swedish punk rockers go out with punk rock girls unless they go out with Princess.

She cracks me up every once in a while, like the time I and my brother were discussing the gases in periodic system after a gig and stumbled on the noble gases. She just went, “what are you on about, there’s nothing noble about your gases”. Now I know that she knows all about the periodic system, she’s never smelt my farts and just triple played me. I love it

I guess I was partly to blame, since I had already downed six pints by the river, before showing up to our first date. After dinner, as I ran for election, I was unable to support my own erection. Fortunately, her upper lip was just as stiff as mine. Lately, she sometimes sort of motions me to come, in a way that some girls do simply because they know no better, but with her it feels like she is kind of shouting me back. I love it.

I guess the real reason why I think before I open my mouth is because she listens. Not because she’s one of those people that just tries to find five faults. More important, it is not because she’s analysing me to come back and haunt me later. When she speaks, she is not one of those emancipated women that just love to hear their own voices. She has something to say, and I love it.

Nowadays she lives in another town, country and hemisphere. Perhaps that is why Americans keep dating the bullshit new wave hookers, maybe they stick around. I don’t know and I would love to keep it that way.


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